Houses in the Marche region have all the qualities needed to offer residents unique and exclusive experiences centered around art, history, nature, and gastronomy, all set in a timeless atmosphere.
Le Marche
What makes the Marche region stand out as the only region in Italy with a plural name? To begin with, it’s precisely this idea of plurality: an unexpected and unique landscape that stretches across open countryside, climbs to towering mountains, and gently unfolds towards azure coastlines—all within just a few kilometers. Choosing one of the houses in the Marche for a vacation, a second home, or a peaceful lifestyle means embracing all this and more. The region reveals magical views, medieval villages, perfectly preserved walls, and small gems that we at Marche Country Homes are eager to share with you. Of course, what follows is just a glimpse of the captivating scenarios that the Marche region has to offer.
Nestled in the province of Macerata, the village of Cingoli is affectionately called the “Balcony of the Marche” due to its privileged position, offering breathtaking views of the Marche panorama stretching all the way to the sea. Perched on the peak of Monte Circe, this medieval village boasts a historic center rich in tradition, with churches and ancient palaces. Cingoli is also a vibrant hub for outdoor activities, making the most of its natural beauty. In July, the village hosts the historical reenactment “Cingoli 1848“ a must-see event.
In provincia di Ancona, Staffolo è sito sulla sommità di una collina a 442 metri di altezza ed è soprannominato il “balcone delle Vallesina”, trovandosi appunto sulla fertilissima Valle dell’Esino. Il panorama che si gode da qui è invidiabile e il piccolo comune è dotato di Bandiera Arancione (un riconoscimento conferito dal Touring club ai borghi italiani più suggestivi di massimo 15.000 abitanti). Le mura medievali che circondano Staffolo sono in parte originali e hanno una pianta molto particolare, inoltre le chiese sono uno dei patrimoni storici più importanti. Il comune è conosciuto per il vitigno autoctono del Verdicchio, vino marchigiano famoso in tutto il mondo e grazie al quale ogni anno, la terza settimana di agosto, si svolge qui a Staffolo la Festa del Verdicchio.
Located in the province of Ancona, Staffolo sits atop a hill at 442 meters above sea level and is known as the “Balcony of Vallesina” overlooking the fertile Esino Valley. The panorama from here is truly enviable, and the small town has earned the Bandiera Arancione (Orange Flag), a recognition granted by the Touring Club to Italy’s most charming villages with populations under 15,000. The medieval walls surrounding Staffolo are partly original and boast a unique layout, while the churches represent an important historical heritage. Staffolo is also celebrated for its native Verdicchio grape, a renowned Marche wine that is celebrated annually during the Verdicchio Festival held in the third week of August.
Located in the upper Metauro Valley in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, Mercatello sul Metauro is a medieval village that has preserved its historic charm. Its historic center is distinguished by stone buildings, picturesque alleys, and welcoming squares. Among its main attractions are the Pieve Collegiata dei Santi Pietro e Paolo, featuring architectural elements that reflect the various eras the church has witnessed, and the Church of San Francesco, a Romanesque-Gothic masterpiece housing exquisite works of art. Surrounded by unspoiled natural landscapes, Mercatello sul Metauro is perfect for hiking and outdoor activities. The village has been awarded the Bandiera Arancione by the Touring Club Italiano and is part of the “Most Beautiful Villages in Italy” network.